Welcome to Open Road World!
Hello fellow van-venturers, and welcome to Open Road World—a place where the legends, learnings, and landing places from van lifers everywhere commingle. We invite you to help us fill these cyber pages with the pure and unadulterated voice of the van folk.
For me (and maybe for you, too), owning a van is still more of a dream than a reality. Maybe you’re just starting to budget for the van baby. Maybe you’re still looking for the exoskeleton. Perhaps you're deeply enthralled in a DIY journey or waiting for your CCV pop top. It could be that you’re one of the lucky ones with the years of planning and preparation behind you, already on the road. Wherever you are, you’re part of this tribe that shares a common goal. We’re looking for more than just things to make our lives full. We’re intentional in making adventure a priority. And we surround ourselves with extraordinary experiences in extraordinary places with extraordinary people.
So to all of you dreamers who haven’t yet taken a real step towards vanhood, I challenge you to do so today. Do one thing that will make the life you want one step closer to reality, however small that may be. In the mean time, enjoy what you have right now, get outside to play, and tell your people you love them.
— Emily and the CCV Team
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